Shot with a Canon EOS Elan on Ilford Hp5 Plus 400 and Ilford Delta 3200
September 2016 - Ongoing
500+ Photos (multiple sub-series)
Medium Format Portraits
Shot with a Seagull 4B on Ilford Hp5 Plus 120
January 2018 - Ongoing
93 Photos (ongoing)
Pentwater, November - December 2018
Shot with a Canon EOS Elan on Ilford Delta 3200 with a soft focus filter.
44 photos
Pentwater, May 2017
Shot with a Canon EOS Elan on Ilford Hp5 Plus 400 and Fuji Superia Xtra 400
117 Photos
Pentwater, Summer 2017
Shot with a Canon EOS Elan on Fuji Superia Xtra 400
May 2016 - August 2016
167 Photos